[intro] The Customer Login feature is a functionality which allows your customers to create accounts on your Obodo shop. This enables you to encourage loyalty as you can create offers with the Discount Management feature that are triggered when customers log into their accounts. [/intro]
[remember] Before you install this feature, you should ensure that your Obodo shop has had an SSL certificate applied to it, to ensure that the Customer Login area is secure for your customers. [/remember]
Installing Customer Login
1. To install the Customer Login feature, click on the Features tab:
2. Scroll down to the More Features box and click the Customer Login icon:
3. Click the green Install Feature button:
4. You’ll now see the first page of the Customer Login feature. Click the box on the far right-hand side to enable the feature:
5. Now you need to tick the box to enable Guest Checkout. This is essential as it allows customers who don’t want to make an account on your Obodo shop to check out. If you do not tick this box and force every customer to make an account, this can put some customers off and reduce sales:
6. You may also want to tick the box to enable your customers to create Wish Lists of Products within their account on your Obodo shop. This encourages repeat custom. When you have finished, click the green Save button on the far right-hand side:
How Customers Login
7. Now you have installed the Customer Login feature, customers can create and log into accounts on your Obodo shop. On the Homepage, it is usually within the top right-hand corner:
Checkout Login
8. If customers don’t log in on the Homepage when they arrive at your Obodo shop, they can also log into their account or make an account on the first page of the Checkout Flow, by clicking the link on the right-hand side:
9. This will reveal a field where a customer can opt to create an account by ticking the box and adding a password:
Adding Customers Manually
You can add customers to your Obodo shop manually if for whatever reason they are unable to create an account themselves, or for example, you have obtained their details and written consent in paper format and need to convert these details into a shop account.
[caution] Creating accounts manually for your customers involves you having to adhere to GDPR legislation, as you will be collecting personal data from your customer and processing it to create an account. To do this, you need to ensure that the customer has expressed their consent for you to create an account for them, and this consent should be recorded and stored safely in your records.
Whilst this support guide is for guidance, any personal information contained within our customer's Obodo shops is their own responsibility. We have taken security measures to ensure that our customers are protected against loss, alteration or misuse but GDPR compliance is the sole responsibility of the website/business owner.
1. To manually create a customer account on your Obodo shop, you need to click the Orders tab:
2. On the Orders page, click Add Customer:
3. You will then see the fields displayed for you to add your customer’s first and last names and their email address. When you’ve added these details, click the green Save button on the top right-hand side:
4. It’s also a good idea to click the Add Note button too and record how you obtained the customer details, when you created the account and how the customer gave their consent for your own records.
When you have pressed the Save button, you’ll see a Send Email button - click this to send an automatic email to your customer to encourage them to create a password for their account on your online shop:
[contact]If you need our help with your Obodo shop, contact our Customer Support Team, who will be able to point you in the right direction. We're open from 8am-6pm weekdays and 9am-5.30pm on the weekends. If you have a non-account specific question ask the Obodo Team, join us in the Obodo Community on Facebook. [/contact]