[intro]The Shop Tab on your Dashboard displays the editable version of your Obodo shop. You will need to learn what you can do within the Shop Tab as if you’re adding just a handful of Products or Categories, this method is a quick option than using the Import/Export System and spreadsheets.[/intro]



Viewing your Obodo shop via the Shop Tab allows you to add Products and Categories, make changes to different elements within your Theme and amend the visible text, such as Category Descriptions and Homepage text. 

1. From the Dashboard, click the Shop Tab:

2. When you arrive on the Shop Tab, you need to select one of the Edit buttons on the top right-hand side, dependent on what task you wish to undertake. 

Edit Design

You need to click this button if you need to amend:

  • Homepage Text
  • Design Images/Text
  • Your Logo

Edit Content

You need to click this button if you want to:

  • Add new Products
  • Create Featured Products
  • Add new Categories or Subcategories
  • Add Category Descriptions
  • Add Category Images
  • Add In-Category Descriptions

[remember]If you have a lot of Products or Categories to add or edit, you may want to use the Advanced Inventory Manager feature instead. [/remember]



[contact]If you need our help with your Obodo shop, contact our Customer Support Team, who will be able to point you in the right direction. We're open from 8am-6pm weekdays and 9am-5.30pm on the weekends. If you have a non-account specific question ask the Obodo Team, join us in the Obodo Community on Facebook. [/contact]